Thursday, December 3, 2009

Read the great articles in the December PTS Bulletin!

Have you read the December PTS Bulletin? If it hasn't come by mail, it should be arriving soon (the post office is busy this time of year) -- or you can read it online in the "For Members" section of the PTS website.

There are articles about:

• Our Synaplex Shabbat program
• The many social action programs at PTS
• Exciting new music for Shabbat services
• Chanukah services and programs
• Gophers in the Mitzvah Garden
• Blankets of Kindness
• Upcoming B'nai Mitzvah
• Life-Long Learning
• Report from the URJ Biennial in Toronto
• The latest from Religious School and Preschool
• News from Sholom Women and Brotherhood

and much much more!

You can find the Bulletin (and also the past year's worth of Bulletins!) at . Access for that page is for PTS members only. If you're a PTS member and don't know the username and password, please write to or phone the Temple office during regular business hours at (650) 697-2266.

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