Sunday, December 13, 2009

Latkes Latkes Latkes!

A big thank you to the Brotherhood Latke Fryers for a fabulous latke fry on Friday, December 11! Going at a blistering 200 lph (latkes per hour) we annointed our new kitchen and fried almost 1000 latkes for the dinner before services and the oneg afterwards.

This year's crew was led by Paul "The Frying Game" Rosenblum and Steve "Don't Fry for me Argentina" Sarver, ably assisted by Ed "the latke whisperer" Kraus, Michael "Eau de latke" Battat, Michael "Latke my love" Zeichick, Fred "There's no frying in baseball" Sturm, Ron "Born to Fry" Kahn, and Paul "Dammit Jim I'm a doctor not a fryer" Nounou.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I missed it. Nobody, but nobody, makes latkes like the PTS Brotherhood!!
