Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Rabbi Feder!

It's been 15 years since Rabbi Daniel Feder, PTS' senior rabbi, joined the Rabbinate. We celebrated with a wonderful service on Friday night, Dec. 4. Many members of Rabbi Feder's family were there, and the PTS Sanctuary was filled to overflowing.

We had tributes to Rabbi Feder from Rabbi Kim Ettlinger and by Rabbi Martin Wiener, Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Sherith Israel, San Francisco, who was a mentor and friend to Rabbi Feder "back in the day."

For me, the most touching moment was when Cantor Barry Reich sang a song to Rabbi Feder with the PTS Zimriyah Youth Choir. Afterwards, the Zimriyah kids ran over and gave Rabbi Feder a huge hug. It was a Kodak movement, but unfortunately, nobody took a photo!

However, we do have a photo of Rabbi Feder with his extended family. Thank you, Len Silverman, for getting this great shot!

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