Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Read the new PTS policy on Interfaith weddings

Rabbi Feder has announced a new Interfaith wedding policy for Peninsula Temple Sholom. You can read all about it in a letter sent to each member family, and also on an article on the PTS website. (That same article is also in the Temple's January Bulletin.)

Please read Rabbi Feder's article, "Interfaith Weddings: A New Perspective," where he shares the thoughtful journey he has taken to determine this new policy. Feel free to leave comments on the new PTS Blog or on our Facebook page.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Read the new PTS Strategic Plan

The PTS Strategic Plan 2009/5770 was unanimously accepted by the Board of Trustees on Dec. 16, 2009.

We invite all PTS members to download and read the Strategic Plan, and help us implement it in the months and years ahead. Click here to visit the Strategic Plan executive summary, and access the complete document, from the "For Members" section of PTS website.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Blankets of kindness Knitters

We just delivered over 75 lap robes to the Jewish Home, 20+ scarves to the Single Moms group at JFCS for their Chanukah gift distribution, 12 lap robes to the California Cancer Center in San Mateo, several baby caps to local children's hospitals and 8 helmet liners for our soldiers in Afghanistan.

We are always looking for new knitters and crocheters and always gratefully accept washable yarn or cash donations.

Knitting classes will be probably be starting in February for beginners or intermediate knitters. Keep your eyes open for class dates and times.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Latkes Latkes Latkes!

A big thank you to the Brotherhood Latke Fryers for a fabulous latke fry on Friday, December 11! Going at a blistering 200 lph (latkes per hour) we annointed our new kitchen and fried almost 1000 latkes for the dinner before services and the oneg afterwards.

This year's crew was led by Paul "The Frying Game" Rosenblum and Steve "Don't Fry for me Argentina" Sarver, ably assisted by Ed "the latke whisperer" Kraus, Michael "Eau de latke" Battat, Michael "Latke my love" Zeichick, Fred "There's no frying in baseball" Sturm, Ron "Born to Fry" Kahn, and Paul "Dammit Jim I'm a doctor not a fryer" Nounou.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Rabbi Feder!

It's been 15 years since Rabbi Daniel Feder, PTS' senior rabbi, joined the Rabbinate. We celebrated with a wonderful service on Friday night, Dec. 4. Many members of Rabbi Feder's family were there, and the PTS Sanctuary was filled to overflowing.

We had tributes to Rabbi Feder from Rabbi Kim Ettlinger and by Rabbi Martin Wiener, Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Sherith Israel, San Francisco, who was a mentor and friend to Rabbi Feder "back in the day."

For me, the most touching moment was when Cantor Barry Reich sang a song to Rabbi Feder with the PTS Zimriyah Youth Choir. Afterwards, the Zimriyah kids ran over and gave Rabbi Feder a huge hug. It was a Kodak movement, but unfortunately, nobody took a photo!

However, we do have a photo of Rabbi Feder with his extended family. Thank you, Len Silverman, for getting this great shot!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Heroism, Hillel & Chanukah in the Soviet Jewry Movement

Life-Long Learning at PTS
Monday, Dec. 14, 7:00 PM

In the spirit of Chanukah, Phil Spiegel will discuss how courageous individuals challenged a ruthless, totalitarian regime to gain freedom. Mr. Spiegel is the author of Triumph over Tyranny and a guest lecturer around the Bay Area. Books and DVDs will be available for purchase.

Read the great articles in the December PTS Bulletin!

Have you read the December PTS Bulletin? If it hasn't come by mail, it should be arriving soon (the post office is busy this time of year) -- or you can read it online in the "For Members" section of the PTS website.

There are articles about:

• Our Synaplex Shabbat program
• The many social action programs at PTS
• Exciting new music for Shabbat services
• Chanukah services and programs
• Gophers in the Mitzvah Garden
• Blankets of Kindness
• Upcoming B'nai Mitzvah
• Life-Long Learning
• Report from the URJ Biennial in Toronto
• The latest from Religious School and Preschool
• News from Sholom Women and Brotherhood

and much much more!

You can find the Bulletin (and also the past year's worth of Bulletins!) at . Access for that page is for PTS members only. If you're a PTS member and don't know the username and password, please write to or phone the Temple office during regular business hours at (650) 697-2266.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Welcome Chanukah with your PTS Family on Friday, Dec. 11

Come to PTS to welcome Chanukah on Friday, Dec. 11.

Join our new members for a delicious Shabbat Chanukah meal beginning at 5:45 PM, featuring Brotherhood’s famous latkes and all the trimmings. Enjoy Sholom Women’s annual Dreidel Spin. Bring and light your chanukiyah and get caught up in the spirit of our popular Hava Nashir Shabbat Service, which begins at 7:00 PM.

The cost of of the dinner: Adults, $10. Children under 12, $5. RSVP for the dinner to Georgina in the Temple Office at 650-697-2266 or

15 Exciting Years in the Rabbinate!

Please Join Us...

As we Honor Rabbi Feder for 15 years in the Rabbinate
On Friday, Dec. 4, 7:00 PM, Family Shabbat Service

From ordination in Cincinnati (First base)
To Oheb Shalom in Baltimore (Second base)
To Keneseth Israel in Allentown (Third base)
To Peninsula Temple Sholom (Home)!

Come Join the Celebration!!!