Friday, November 20, 2009

Family-to-Family for the holidays

As we enter the holiday season, we see that in our own community so many families have struggled throughout this past year.

The PTS Social Action committee has selected Shelter Network for what we are calling “Family to Family.” Shelter Network helps homeless families and single adults get back on their feet and return to permanent homes of their own.

“Family to Family” is a way for anyone in our congregation to reach out and help others less fortunate during the holidays. You can “adopt” an entire family or just purchase a gift for an individual family member in a specific way either big or small. Visit to see how to get involved!

Thank you for reaching out to help someone who truly needs our help. This is just one of the many ways our PTS community makes the holidays a little brighter…. so close to home.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cantor Barry Reich in Cong. Rodef Sholom Cantors Concert: Sunday, Dec. 6

There will be very special cantorial concert at Congregation Rodef Sholom in San Rafael on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 6 at 2:00pm.

A dozen cantors from around the Bay Area, as well as our guest artist Dan Nichols, will be singing a benefit concert to raise money for camperships to Camp Newman and other URJ camps around the country. This is a rare opportunity to hear a wide variety of Jewish music sung by a talented group of Bay Area cantors.

Come and hear all of these performers:

Roz Barak, Rita Glassman, Kay Greenwald, Devorah Felder, Leigh Korn, David Margules, Martin Feldman, Elena Jagoda, Meeka Simerly, Barry Reich, Sharon Bernstein, Lauren Bandman and guest artist Dan Nichols. Daniel Locket will be the pianist.

Cantor David Margules of Congregation Rodef Sholom suggests a donation of $18 but please be generous and help make camp this summer a reality for more of our Jewish youngsters.

Congregation Rodef Sholom
, 170 North San Pedro Road, San Rafael, CA 94903

RSVP to Gigi at

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Brotherhood fall poker tourney results

The Fall 2009 Texas Hold'em Tournament, sponsored by the PTS Brotherhood, was held on Monday, November 16. Pictured are the winners (from the left):

Bruce Isackson (tied for third)
Ken Wornick (first)
Karen Epstein (second)
Alan Hafter (tied for third)

Thanks to all for your participation and we'll see you for our next tourney on March 14, 2010!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Tragedy at Ft Hood and its Aftermath: A First-Person Account

What must it have been like to be at Ft. Hood during the shooting — and what's more, to be one of Major Hasan's colleagues?

The RJ Blog (from the Union from Reform Judaism) has posted a moving and informative letter from Sylvia, a Reform Jewish lay leader and physician/psychiatrist at Ft. Hood. Read the letter here!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Half the Sky... A Must Read!

I am nearly finished with Half the Sky, a book written by journalists about how so many women around the world are marginalized and suffer... sex trafficking, poor maternal care, abuse, lack of education. The authors share global commentary combined with personal stories that are heart-wrenching, yet optimistic too. Fantastic book filled with amazing people! Although Half the Sky is not a Jewish story, it is undoubtedly a lesson in doing tikkun olam where it is really needed.

What do you do to make a difference? Does serving our own community have the same weight?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's a New Blog for PTS!

Welcome to the new blog for Peninsula Temple Sholom! Our goal for the blog is to improve communications for the PTS community. We want to provide new ways for the clergy, leadership and all of our members to talk to each other!

We've been discussing the idea of having a PTS Blog for several months, but were galvanized into action by the comments of Rabbi Eric Yoffie, president of URJ, at the Biennial. Click here to read about the new URJ blog initiative.

Please watch the blog -- we're going to evolve rapidly! Feel free to leave comments about the posts, and help make this new initiative a success!


Alan Zeichick
PTS Webmaster